Welcome to wishlist.help—a centralized platform connecting those affected by disasters with compassionate individuals eager to help. When disaster strikes, individuals, communities, or teams can post their Amazon or Walmart wish lists on our website. This allows others to see exactly what’s needed and contribute directly by purchasing items from these lists. Visitors can browse various wish lists, offer words of support through comments, or head straight to the wish list links to make a purchase. Our mission is to streamline the giving process, making it easier for generous donors to provide tangible support to those who need it most.
Quick Links – Personal Family List / Corporate List / Organizations
Personal Wish List for Communities
Mary Beth Poole – HOT TENT Amazon List
Wish List: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2YHUJFD178MPN
Personal Wish List for Personal Family
The Mathew’s Family
Wish List: https://www.amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/O9T0OK8X2SWR
Corporate Wish List for Communities
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Organizations Wish List
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